I am currently sitting in Madrid, Spain on a trip of a lifetime. One of my dearest friends from my time living in Chicago is getting married today, and allowed me the opportunity to visit this beautiful country. This trip has been so special and remarkable for a number of reasons.
First of all, I have known about this trip for nearly a year, and let’s just say that has been an interesting year. My dad unexpectedly passed away last July, turning my life into a whirlwind of grief, estate logistics, and endless exhaustion. As soon as my friend, Kyla, let me know she got engaged in August, my first prayer was that I would be able to embark on this journey across the pond burden free… aka, that all of my dad’s estate would be settled and my life would be more aligned with my own personality and desires. During the past year I have also struggled with where I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, etc. Well, I’ll share more in a different post, but let’s just say that when I gave COMPLETE control and surrender over to God in January, he brought the pieces together clearly and in an undeniable way. Today is Kyla’s wedding day. It is sunny and hot (my favorite weather), I am enjoying a fresh breakfast of fruit and croissants, and the last bit of my dad’s estate will be completed this afternoon. When I say God answers prayers, I am walking proof of this.
This trip is also the first time that I have traveled solo, especially on such a large journey. It would have been so easy to feel intimidated or nervous, or simply say “no thank you”. However, those thoughts never entered my mind and I am so grateful for that. This trip has taught and reiterated a number of mantras in my life, and I encourage all of you to follow them as well!
Say yes - when opportunity presents, take it. Life is short, all of our time is finite.
Take the trip - Our world is vast and amazing to explore! Go, see, do!
Go on the adventure - Explore, wander, get lost! We all have Google maps for a reason!
Meet new friends - This has been the biggest blessing of traveling to Spain. I am now leaving here with a group of nearly 30 new friends, from various destinations and ethnicities, having learned about different cultures, and embraced being able to instantly mesh together in a foreign city.
Travel solo - This is huge. There is such a stigma surrounding traveling with a partner, or even a friend. Those things are great, and I’ve done them! However, I challenge you to venture off alone at least once. It’s eye opening, humbling, and empowering in ways that you will appreciate for life!
Try to converse in the language - We know that many other countries in the world speak English; however they are so appreciative of effort and attempts, even if you need to rely on your phone to translate!
Embrace the culture - This has been significant for me! I live a very regimented life and schedule at home; not out of rigidity, but more out of health reasons. I knew that would be nearly impossible when traveling across the world, so I did my best to follow my routines and meet needs, while also immersing myself into new cultural norms. For example, I typically eat dinner about 5:30 at home, but dinner in Spain often begins around 10pm. I just think of it as “hey, I’m eating on American time”!
Invest in deep, real, true friendships - find those friends who you won't hesitate to fly across the ocean for, and vice versa. Cherish the goodbyes that are filled with tears, out of longing for the next get together and mindless conversation; they're so life giving for your soul.
Do your best, be your best, no regrets - This was a phrase shared by my college president at every event during my undergraduate career. I like to think that I fully embrace it in all areas of life. Life life to the fullest, take chances, follow your dreams. One thing that I have always had a dream to do is to have a lifestyle blog, both as an outlet and a way to share so many life lessons. I nearly launched one over a decade ago, but a multitude of factors interfered. Well, now I’m taking my own advice, as well as following the nagging of many loved ones, and officially starting! Plus, what cooler thing than to say my blog was birthed in Spain!
