Bold & Bright Challenge - Day 5 🎉
Setting boundaries isn’t selfish—it’s the ultimate form of self-respect. 🎤
Ladies, it is time to set bold boundaries like a boss and stop sabotaging your own life out of sacrifice for others! 💪
I see you - you’re saying yes to everything, you bend over backwards to meet others needs while pushing your own further down the list, you’re over-accommodating and over-committing. You believe that the more you give and do equals the more love and respect that you’ll receive. 🤯
Guess what, I’m going to burst your bubble here and it’s a hard message to hear! 🗯️
The more access that you freely give others to yourself, your time, and your resources - the more they are going to expect and take advantage of in return. Read that again and truly process it! 🔥
The more you start saying “no” actually allows you freedom to start saying “yes” more often and freely, to the things that really matter! 👏🏼 “No” is a complete sentence, it does not require an explanation, and there are ways to say it with kindness and grace. Once you start establishing boundaries you will instantly have more space for your own goals, passions, and rest! 💃🏻
If this is a hard area for you, then you need the empowerment and boost from my bold and bright coaching program! 🌈Comment below and tell me where you struggle most with boundaries, and email me “bold” to start living your brightest life today!